About Me

Taipei City, Taiwan
Hi! I'm Eric Toh, an undergraduate student of National Chengchi University in Taiwan, major in Land Economics. Currently residing at the dormitory and is also one of the Resident Advisors of Zhi-Chiang Dorm 5~9.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & Positivity (1)

The 4 keys to health & longevity:

Nutrition (focus on Dietary Fiber)

Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals and water are the 6 essential groups of nutrition, they are vital to maintain our lives and it.

Dietary Fiber is informally known as the 7th group nutrition but actually it's just sort of carbohydrate which is hard to be broken down by human's digestive enzymes with its beta-bond structure. Its indigestible characteristics became a controversy that whether it should be taken as a nutrition or not, as the definition of nutrition is the substances which can be used by human cells.

However recent studies realize that even the dietary fiber is not digestible, it's still very important for our health, as it can help to keep our intestine clean and healthy with its ability to keep the feces moisturized and help carrying away the excrement inside.

Moreover, it is also a main source of food for the beneficial bacteria within, and those bacteria will have better predominance to stay in our large intestine rather than to have other harmful bacteria which consume protein, fats and sugar to live on. And those beneficial bacteria produce some vitamins and boost up our immune system.

It then lowers the risk to have colon cancer, hypercholestrolemia, and even to help preventing Type-II Diabetes with its property to stabilize the blood sugar level.

Current recommendations from the United States National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine, suggest that adults should consume 20–35 grams of dietary fiber per day, but most of the people nowadays are consuming far lower than the recommended intake.

Vegetables are an extremely ideal source of dietary fiber, which also contains vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Add vegetable in your every daily meal is what I recommend.

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