About Me

Taipei City, Taiwan
Hi! I'm Eric Toh, an undergraduate student of National Chengchi University in Taiwan, major in Land Economics. Currently residing at the dormitory and is also one of the Resident Advisors of Zhi-Chiang Dorm 5~9.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & Positivity (5)


My sleeping tips are as following:

  1. Always sleep before 11:30p.m. (Ok... I admit that it's considered a tough target for most students, but it worths a try, don't you agree?)
  2. Keep the light and sound OUT. (However for some rare cases, playing specific sound/music for the patients is a good way to calm down their mind and allow them to sleep well and tight.)
  3. Stop eating at least 3 hours before you sleep. (Or else it will ruin your biological clock)
  4. Keep your body warm, especially your feet.
  5. A standard time span of sleeping for adult is in between 7 and 8 hours.
For people who have been troubled by the torment of Insomnia, should inquire a doctor to find out the reason and get a regular treatment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & Positivity (4)

Exercise (Part-II)
Obesity Epidemic is currently an urgent global issue.

The healthiest ways to fight against the obesity by ourselves are nothing else but Physical Exercises and Diet Control.

Today, I don't want to have too much theoretical discussion but a practical method to share with you, especially for those who have a problem with their BMI or waist.

What I'm going to introduce later is what we called "Slow Training" and "Slow Jogging".

Slow Training is a kind of exercise that trains your muscles by your own without any equipments, it's a safe, easy exercise, furthermore it only takes for 5 minutes to complete a whole set of workout.

The link below is the explanation and guide of the Slow Training (Written in Chinese, in order to allow all other classmates understanding it):

While for Slow Jogging, it's yet another conceptual breakthrough that most studies on exercise were suggesting that people should go for a high exercise intensity in order to burn more calories and so as to lose weight.

Recently, more scientific evidences prove that slow jogging (running speed below 4KM/Hr) hardly increase the lactic acid level in our body, which means you'll have longer-lasting performance without tiredness!

Moreover this exercise may increase more vessels all over your muscles, and the efficiency of the circulation and metabolism in your body will be intensified at the same time! Read more about the details of slow jogging, please click at the following link.

"Jogging Secret Revealed" (written in English):

Hope you find them useful, and we'll meet again next week! :)