About Me

Taipei City, Taiwan
Hi! I'm Eric Toh, an undergraduate student of National Chengchi University in Taiwan, major in Land Economics. Currently residing at the dormitory and is also one of the Resident Advisors of Zhi-Chiang Dorm 5~9.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep & Positivity (5)


My sleeping tips are as following:

  1. Always sleep before 11:30p.m. (Ok... I admit that it's considered a tough target for most students, but it worths a try, don't you agree?)
  2. Keep the light and sound OUT. (However for some rare cases, playing specific sound/music for the patients is a good way to calm down their mind and allow them to sleep well and tight.)
  3. Stop eating at least 3 hours before you sleep. (Or else it will ruin your biological clock)
  4. Keep your body warm, especially your feet.
  5. A standard time span of sleeping for adult is in between 7 and 8 hours.
For people who have been troubled by the torment of Insomnia, should inquire a doctor to find out the reason and get a regular treatment.


  1. I think comparing to most university students I go to bed pretty early (At least comparing to my friends). I usually go to bed at 12:00 to 12:30. But I think it is hard to me to sleep before 12:00. Did you ever feeling about that? How can you sleep before 11:30?

  2. It depends on the reason why you can't get on bed that time, like if you were on duty until 12 midnight then it would be impossible... But if there wasn't any force majeure then you may try to force yourself to wake up early in the morning like 7a.m. for example, AND, to reset your bio-clock, you should also finish your breakfast before 9 a.m., ideally after a refreshing sunshine bath. I think this would be helpful, and thanks for your feedback ^^

  3. I found that I have really different sleeping habits as what you mentioned.
    1.I always go to bed at about 1 or 2 o’clock.
    2.I have to turn a small light on because I’m a little afraid of dark:P
    3.And usually I have some snakes at about 11.
    I think I’ll have to change for my own good for health.:)

  4. Dear Mao, i'm doubting if it is good for you to open a small light when you're sleeping. According to some researches, light would interfere the pineal gland in our brains and could reduce the secretion of melatonin. But I'm not sure on your case, but you may search more related issues and essays in the internet or even go to ask a doctor straight away. :)

    Typo correction: snakes = snacks :P

  5. Wow!It's really not easy to sleep so early!It reminds me of my ex-roommate.She always slept at 22:30 and woke up at 5:00! I was so amazed at how she could do it,and I think maybe it was the reason why she always looked good and energetic. Though we all know how sleep important to us, we just can't do it. After reading this article, I think I have to change my bad habit!
